Beyond Lean Assessments

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Total Business Diagnostic

Lean Assessments - More and more small and medium size businesses are benefitting from professional lean assessments and a review of their core activities and some expert recommendations on how to improve performance and quality and reduce costs and delivery lead time.

Unfortunately, these things have been perceived to be out of reach for most businesses as the consultancy fees which usually accompany this kind of detailed diagnostic are considered prohibitive for all but a few of the ‘Blue Chip’ companies. This is no longer the case.

We offer several different solutions for all shape and size of business (We can often tailor the solution to fit your particular business, as we've worked with most shapes and sizes and delivered sizeable benefits in all of them). Please see our range of Lean Assessments

Going beyond lean assessments, full diagnostic toolkit for lean manufacturing

While none of the diagnostic tools shown here are termed "Lean assessments", these tools will show you clearly how far you are away from being ready to implement "Lean Manufacturing", or any other improvement methodology in your business.

"Without a solid foundation in place, it is impossible to build anything worthwhile"

Here is a more detailed description of each of the diagnostic tools -

Business Assessment

This diagnostic tool will take you through a rigorous assessment of your "Business Basics". Honesty on your part is essential.

business assessment tool that automatically generates recommendations

This tool will make recommendations which will firm up your business foundation which will act as an enabler for the subsequent phases of the "Roadmap"(Copyright)

business assessment recommendations

The "results" part of this tool generates a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) as a percentage score to enable you to measure your progress as your journey unfolds.

lean assessment kpi's for business basics

Lean Assessments

Cultural Assessment

This diagnostic tool will take you through a full assessment of your companies cultural strengths and weaknesses and make automatic recommendations which will be used in subsequent phases of your journey.

cultural audit, cultural assessment with automatic recommendations
stakeholder map showing vital relationships and spheres of influence

This is vital knowledge to have at hand when planning to introduce any type of change within your organisation.

Value Stream Map - Current State

value stream map current state

This includes a full training pack detailing Exactly how to produce a current state Value Stream Map.

This will give you a detailed view of your organisation's processes.

How the material and information flows

How much inventory you carry

Where the bottlenecks are

Total Lead time

Value added time


Most importantly - It will enable you to see your opportunities

Business Case

After the lean assessments, business assessments and other diagnostic tools have been used, you may need to put forward a business case (In your companies own format) for recommendations you will be taking forward from this phase of the "Roadmap"

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